What Happens When You Don’t Drink Enough Water?

Drinking Water

Joan Koelemay, who is a dietitian for the Beverage Institute, said that we should think of water as a nutrient that our body needs that can be found in foods, liquids, and plain water. All these are vital every day to replace the lost amounts of water every day.

She also said that the body is continually taking out water through breathing, skin evaporation, urine, and stool, so it’s ideal to replenish it constantly. If your intake of water is not the same with your output, you can be dehydrated.

It is recommended to take in about 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. Below are some problems that can happen if you don’t drink enough water.

Higher Health Risks

High intake of water has been associated with reduced chances of developing kidney stones, colon and urinary cancer and also heat attacks. If you do not drink sufficient water each day, you are increasing your risk for developing health problems in the near future.   

Slower Metabolism

For how many years, dieters have included drinking plenty of water as a method for weight loss. Water does not take away weight but replacing it for high caloric beverages can surely help.

An individual’s basal metabolic rate (the amount of calories burned during rest) increases as the body is more completely hydrated and efficient. Essentially, water helps by controlling the calories burned.         


Sufficient hydration maintains the flow of things in your gastrointestinal tract and inhibits constipation. If you are not hydrated enough, the colon absorbs water from stools to keep hydrated – and the outcome is constipation.

Sufficient fluid and enough fiber are the right combinations, since the fluid boosts the fiber and acts like a broom to keep the bowel functioning well.    

More Cravings

A study conducted last 2010 had confirmed that people who drink two 8 ounces of water right before each meal used 75 to 90 fewer calories while eating. For about three months, water-drinkers shed an average of 5 pounds more as compared to dieters who are dehydrated.

Water can fill you up even if it is only a clear liquid, it can still consume space and vie your appetite.        

More Wrinkles

Your skin has a lot of water and serves as a protective layer that prevents excess fluid loss. Dehydration can make your skin appear dry and wrinkled, which can be amended with good hydration. And once you are sufficiently hydrated, your kidneys take over and eliminate excess fluids.

Water helps by plumping your skin, filling in the fine lines and wrinkles and revitalizes dull complexion. Drinking water can also aid your skin in appearing young invigorated.     

In a Bad Mood

A study conducted last 2009 separated men and women in 2 groups and had them participate in the 60-75 minute high-impact aerobic exercise. One group did not take sufficient water while the other group was well hydrated. The group that didn’t drink enough water showed signs of fatigue, anger, confusion, depression and frustration.

While the study proposed that dehydration had some undesirable effects on cognition, it appears that the mood is more affected due to fluid imbalance as suggested by the study.