Top 5 Foods for Healthy Skins

4. Dark Chocolate

If you worry that eating for beauty means a lifetime consumption of fruits and vegetable. Fret no more, because you can also reap some skin goodness from dark chocolate. Yes, dark chocolate is proven to boost up the body’s health and improve the texture of skin. But take note, there is an exception and it must only be dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%. This 70% cocoa content in dark chocolates are proven to be a stress-reliever and the lower stress hormones you have, the less likely you’ll get wrinkles. Dark chocolate is also known to contain the type of flavonoid called flavonols that can help the skin to look at its best. Flavonols are antioxidant agents that battle free radicals and improve the skin’s thickness and hydration, enabling it to become youthful looking. But be warned that eating in excessive amount of dark chocolates can also bring you harm as you can get too much amount of sugar, fat and calories. Always remember to eat in moderation and only the required 2-3 ounces of 70% dark chocolate a week to reap the health benefits for your skin.

Dark Chocolate - Healthy Food for Skin

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