5 Effective Home Remedies for Cough for Kids

5. Gargle with warm salt water (4 years and up)

Gargle Salt Water

A time-tested and proven way to relieve a sore throat is by gargling with salt water. It can also help in clearing mucus from the throat. Though scientists have not yet identified the reasons as to why it works, according to studies, gargling with salt water is effective. In a glass of warm water, add a half teaspoon of salt and stir. It is important that your kid should be old enough to know how to gargle. The recommended age range is around school age or older, but some children can do it sooner.

Certainly, nothing can mend your kids’ condition than your exceptional brand of affectionate loving care. You may perhaps not possess the cure for their cough, but as loving parents, you have the magical touch.

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