5 Effective Home Remedies for Cough for Kids

4. Rub Kid’s Chest with Essential Oils (3 months and up)

Vapor Rub

You may be thinking that vapor rubs are remedies for cold that just went out of fashion; but according to recent researches, vapor rubs are still worth the try. In a study conducted among 138 children who had coughs and age ranging from 2 to 11, Pennsylvania State University researchers stated that there was a reduction of cough frequency and occurrence whenever parents spent time during bedtime to massage their child’s neck and chest with a small amount of rub (a combination of menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oils). The vapor rub was proven to be effective as compared to petroleum jelly or no treatment, the kids who were massaged with the vapor rub slept much better, and so are the parents.

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