If you’re like nearly half of all Americans, you take at least one supplement to boost your health. But are you spending your money on the right ones? For that matter, do you need to take vitamins at all? It can be hard to know.
Here is the list of top 10 vitamins women should be taking.
Omega 3’s
Omega 3 is basically a polysaturated fatty acid that is extremely useful for human body. It has a tendency to fight against various body disorders such as Cancer, cardiovascular diseases, inflammation and developmental disorders in women. With its essential constituents, it has the tendency to lower down cognitive aging in women. Omega 3 can be found in fish, eggs, plant oil, meat etc.
Vitamin C
Unarguably, vitamin C is the most important nutrient for human body. It has massive good effects on human body and work as a defensive shield against many physical disorders. It can be easily found in many fruits and vegetables. It is the best solution to prevent scurvy in adults and highly recommended for women of 30+ in age. You can find plethora of Vitamin C in oranges.
Iron is responsible for carrying blood cells around the body and most importantly, it transfers oxygen to all parts of the body. It is a mandatory supplement for working women as it shoots a drop of activeness in the body for the whole day. You can easily find iron food products in beans, nuts soya-bean etc.
Folic Acid
Folic acid is an essential that serves immense health benefits. It is good to prevent cancer and stroke. All the doctors recommend folic acid dose to the pregnant women. Moreover it is a good cause to generate fertility in the body. Foods rich in folic acid are green leafy vegetable, broccoli etc.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is consumed to prevent High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol. It is also a necessary essential for diabetes. Vitamin D as a form can be directly applied on skin. Hence it serves numerous benefits. Vitamin D can be found in food such as Fish, liver, mushrooms etc.
Vitamin B
Vitamin B is further divided into many sub categories ranging from b1 to b12. And all the sub categories serve immense benefits to women. It is an essential supplement for women over age 30. It can be commonly found in meat, egg, fish, vegetables and fruits.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is key for strong immunity and healthy skin and eyes. In recent years, vitamin E supplements have become popular as antioxidants. These are substances that protect cells from damage.
Calcium as we all know is good for bones. The age of bones in women is less than men so it is mire essential for women to consume calcium products in order to lead a healthy life. All the milk products are highly rich in calcium.
Magnesium is highly essential for the better processing of human body. A body houses an average of 25 grams of magnesium in which half of it is present in bones. Deficiency of magnesium can cause heart disorders, high blood pressure etc in women. You can find magnesium in legumes, seeds, nuts etc.
Vitamin A
Deficiency of Vitamin A can cause night blindness, hyperkeratosis and keratomalacia. It is essential for all the women as it serves as a life guard against such diseases. Vitamin A rich foods are ripe yellow fruits, leafy vegetables and carrots etc.
These are the key vitamins that are essential for a woman’s body!