Is Sugar the Newest Tobacco?

Smoking Candy

There has been a recent shift away from the low-fat craze that now focuses on the negative side effects, if you will, of unnatural sugars. Note: unnatural sugars. For those of you who are unaware of what I’m talking about, here’s a refresher on the “do not consume” list:

High fructose corn syrup, white (table) sugar, sucrose, aspartame, and corn syrup

These little buggers are hidden in food you mindlessly eat on a day to day basis; and most are in seemingly “healthy” options as well. We’re talking protein/energy bars, salad dressings, and even bread.

I know what you’re thinking: “but how will I ever be able to avoid these hidden devils?”

One solution: Read the nutritional information. Manufacturing companies are required to put them there, but they aren’t there to be ignored. If your food is coming from a box, bag, or can, you can read how many grams of sugar are in each serving. Let your eyes gaze just below that and you can read the ingredients list to see exactly what type of sugar it is.

Another label reading tip: If the label says “sugar-free” or “diet” STAY AWAY. Literally put it down and run in the other direction. You are basically being told that they have stripped the product of whatever natural sugars it has, and added a sugar substitute chemical, such as aspartame, to maintain sweetness.

Instead, choose the product that says “no added sugars” or “organic”, because while they still may contain sugar, at least it is naturally found or non-processed.

Which brings this full circle: it all goes back to eating clean, wholesome, natural, organic foods. Life is about moderation though, so if you simply “can’t even” live without the occasional sugar cheat, go for it. Have your guilty pleasure snacks, from time to time, while maintaining a mostly non processed diet and your recommended sugar intake will be within normal limits before you know it!

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