Lose That Baby Fat

If you’re currently pregnant, thinking of becoming pregnant, have already been pregnant, or are dreading the thought of being pregnant (I think that covers it), I bet I can guess one of your main concerns in this baby-carrying debacle: “how can I lose this weight?!”.\

As members of the female species we constantly seem to be burdened with maintaining physical appearance. If you are part of the population that just doesn’t partake in the ever-toxic “let me compare my body to this model’s” a.) kudos to you, teach me your ways, and b.) I’ll bet you still do it. However, weight gain with pregnancy is not something that should be shoved into this category. Why? Because it’s natural…and expected…and physically impossible to avoid.

As recommended by most doctors, the magic number to gain during pregnancy is 15-40 pounds. This 25lb range depends on a multitude of variables however, so no, size does not fit all! If you are classified as “underweight” by this nations brain washed BMI table the higher number is for you; “overweight” and the 15 pounds refers to you. Please remember every woman is different, people carry weight differently and fluctuate on the scale in their own way. Some may gain more, some may gain less; in the end the body will determine what your growing little miracle will need.

Once that bundle of joy pops out and you’ve had a millisecond to yourself…BAM! You’re uncomfortable looking in the mirror. Instead of hating what you see and cursing the day that little sperm won its way into your uterus, love what you see. Two mothers have recently paired up on social media in an effort to encourage women to “love their lines”, and do it for all the world to see. Yes, I’m referring to stretch marks, cellulite, and scars. Look up “loveyourlines” on your nearest Instagram portal and see for yourself

Okay, sarcastic yet informative facts aside, here are 5 tips to help you lose the baby weight you’re uncomfortable with, and get your confidence back!

 1. Exercise.

mom's stretching

Probably the most obvious of them all, fit in some physical activity. Whether you can sneak away for a 20 incline minute treadmill walk or a 30 minute yoga video: just do it. Don’t make excuses. Once your doctor has cleared you for physical activity, get going! Even doing 5 minute increments throughout the day add up! Start light and work your way back up to your regular workout. If finances allow, sign up for classes or even a personal trainer at your local gym- most are trained in postpartum women.

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