Healing Gum Disease Naturally

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2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory capabilities and helps in decreasing vulnerability to gum diseases. A study conducted by the Boston University has shown the strong link between vitamin D and gingivitis. The researchers have analyzed the data among 6,700 people and 77,503 teeth during the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. They found out that individuals with high levels of vitamin D in the blood have less chances of experiencing gum bleeding in the course of gingival probing.

One good source of vitamin D is sun exposure, for the UV rays from the sun activates the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin. According to the National Institute of Health Office of Dietary Supplements, approximately 10-15 minutes every twice per week of exposure under the sun is suggested, but if you live further away from the equator, in a polluted city, and an environment that is cloudy, then it is most likely that the required sun exposure won’t be enough.

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