The Best Yoga Poses for Runners

6. Bridge

Bridge Yoga Pose

Bridge yoga is a great backend that is very beneficial for engaging every single muscle in the body. It strengthens lower back, hamstrings and glutes.

How To Perform Bridge Yoga: Lie on your back with your knees bent, place your feet flat on the floor and hips width apart. Keep your feet parallel to your ankles directly under your knees. By pressing down through the feet and arms, lift your hips up towards the ceiling. Bring your arms under you and interlace your fingers. Roll your shoulder blades towards each other. Stay in this pose for 45 second to 1 minute.

Benefits of Bridge Pose Yoga: Strengthens back, glutes, legs and ankles. Stretches chest, neck, shoulders and spine. Rejuvenates tired legs, improved digestion, alleviates stress and mild depression.

Besides these, there are various other yoga poses for runners (such as Lower Lung/Lizard, Thunderbolt pose, Legs up the wall) that can provide runners with many benefits.

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