The Best Yoga Poses for Runners

2. Upward Dog

Upward Dog Yoga Pose

Runners have strong legs but sometimes a weaker upper body. Upward dog yoga is a back-bending yoga posture for runners that assists them to strengthen the arms and core.

How To Perform Upward Dog Yoga: At first step, lie on your stomach and arms at your sides. Open palms and bend your elbows while keeping arms close to the sides. On an inhale, straighten your arms and lift your torso while keeping your legs a few inches off the floor. Now put strength from the core of the body. Open the chest by drawing the shoulder blades down into the back.

Benefits of Upward Dog Yoga: Strengthen the wrists, arms, spins and shoulders, improves posture, therapeutic for asthma, relieve depression, fatigue and pain of sciatica, Improve posture, Stimulate the organs of the abdomen, improves digestion.

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