8 Simple Home Remedies for Sinus Infections

4. Nettle

nettle plant

Nettle (Urtica Dioica), also called stinging nettles or wild spinach, is a rich medicinal herb that drives toxins and metabolic waste products out of the body. Nettle stimulates the kidneys to excrete more water and can help expel kidney stones. Nettle is also a tasty and nourishing vegetable if gathered when the leaves are young. Nettle also helps sinus problems, allergies, and hay fever.

Nettle grows wild and can be found in pastures, meadows, and other sunny places. The plant flowers from June to September. Nettle plants usually grow to a height of 2 to 3 feet. Its perennial roots are creeping, so it multiplies quickly. Wild nettle patches usually indicate that the soil is rich in nitrogen.

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