6 Reasons To Get A Massage

woman getting a massage

Reason 6: Speedy Recovery

Whether recovering from a major surgery or sports injury, a speedy recovery is our chief priority. Sports massage addresses numerous phases of recovery, which includes decreasing muscle pain and stiffness because of a buildup of metabolites, relaxation of tight muscles, speeding of the healing process of damaged tissues and overall relaxation to reestablish physical and emotional balance.

Through massage, circulation of blood is improved; elimination of toxins and wastes from tissues is hastened; activities in the central and peripheral nervous system is normalized; metabolic and oxidative processes are stimulated. Massage also speeds up the reabsorption of infiltrates in muscles, tendons and ligaments; increases the functional neuromuscular activities and decreases muscle tension.

Massage can help in improving circulation and decreases muscle spasm and splinting, which results to a healthier, flexible, healthy tissue prior to a surgery and may improve the recovery prospect of the tissues.

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