6 Must Try Core Workouts

Girl doing side plank

Dynamic Core Exercises

4. Side Lying Abduction

Many think that the core consists of only the abdominal muscles. However, though the abdominal muscles are a vital part of your core, the core technically involves all the muscles in your torso. As such, the muscles in your shoulders, hips, back and abdomen are all part of the core and should work together. Abduction exercises help improve core stability as well as posture and balance.

How to do it?

Lie on your side and maintain a straight body line. Contract your abdominals and lift your top leg up and down slowly.

5. Twisting Crunch

The twisting crunch emphasizes more on the internal and external obliques.

How to do it?

Lie on your back. Bend your right leg and rest your right ankle on your left knee. Rest your arms under your head. Curl your left shoulder towards your right knee and repeat it with the opposite limbs.

6. Lying Windshield Wiper

The windshield wiper is an incredible core exercise. It requires huge amount of strength and core stability as well as strong upper back.

How to do it?

Lie on your back. Lift your leg, keep it straight and maintain the hip angle. Rotate your legs to one side and go as far as you can. Pull them up and then swing your legs to the other side.

All these six must-try core workouts must be done in perfect form. Bad habits or forms that you started now will lead to injury or lack of progress in the future. Make sure you use exercise guides to help you with the proper form.

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