50 Reasons To Exercise

runner woman lacing trainers shoes

26. Allows you to keep your resting rate of metabolism at a particular level.

27. Helps you to avoid the development of any cancerous cells in your body.

28. Lets you maintain a low-resting rate for your heart.

29. Increases the volume of the plasma in your blood.

30. Decreases the chances of having a heart stroke.

31. Enables you to have finely-toned muscles.

32. Enables you to combat problems due to abuse of substances.

33. Enables you to avoid certain problems during your menstrual periods.

34. Enables you to reduce the dependence on insulin if you have type-1 diabetes.

35. Helps you to be more alert mentally.

36. Increases the capacity for enduring physical stress and the strength of the muscles in your lungs.

37. Enhances your physical looks.

38. Boosts your self-esteem.

39. Increases your capacity of understanding and recognizing things.

40. Keeps your bone-joints highly flexible.

41. Helps you to maintain the level of calories even when you eat more.

42. Helps to decrease the index of your body mass.

43. Keeps you stronger and able to fight off illness’.

44. Increases the efficiency of the pumping action of your heart.

45. Helps you to be more productive at work.

46. Gives you better balance.

47. Helps you avoid many symptoms that occur during menopause.

48. Enables you to achieve better body-posture.

49. Enables you to remain in good spirits and mental state.

50. Increased quality of life.

athletic young man lifting weights

Now get busy!

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