19 Effective Detoxifying Foods


Detoxification, also known as internal cleansing, is a process where the body eliminates or transforms wastes and toxins.

This is done by reducing the amount of toxins we take in while providing the nutrients needed for the detoxification and elimination system to function properly. Body organs including the skin, lungs, lymphatic system, intestinal tract and the kidneys are involved in the process but one of the main organs doing most of the work is the liver. Aside from producing and secreting bile, it sorts out and chemically neutralizes the toxins and bacteria from the blood, converting them into substances that can then be easily eliminated by the kidneys.

Detoxification is one of the most overlooked key components for overall health.  With all the pollution, preservatives in foods, chemical exposure and drug intake; the body’s detoxification faces a big threat. Today, a lot of detox programs, detox diets and juices are being introduced in the market but not everyone can afford or have the time to prepare these special diets. The good news is you can still detoxify effectively without having to spend a bunch.

Here are 19 foods available in your local grocery stores that are definite to help detoxify your body:

1. Artichokes

They help the liver to function well, thus helping the body to eliminate the toxins and wastes for optimum health. It also aids the liver in producing bile for better metabolism and nutrient absorption.

Aside from the benefit it provides for the liver, artichokes are also rich in essential nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, protein, folate and fiber.

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